My Take On Happiness!

What is happiness?

It's a state of mind. It's simple but hard to understand.

Happy = Watching a movie in IMAX 
Happy = That new handbag/ Shoe/ Watch that you have been longing for
Happy = Meeting and chilling with friends
Happy = Food
Happy = Everything going as planned.
Happy = Money
Happy = Trip to Maldives
Happy = People/Relationship

Trust me non of these are going to make you happy unless you are happy from within. Ok, how to be happy from within. It's a choice. Happiness is a choice.

I am having a bad moment, I can cry over it the whole day or I can dust it off and choose to do something to make myself happy.

I would say true happiness is freedom, mental freedom. 

My take on happiness is when your virtual world (dream world) is close to your real world. That's when you are truly happy. 

How to make the Dreamworld close to the real world?

1. Work hard for your dream.

2. Realize something are beyond us.

3. Focus on what's in our control.

4. Accept life is unfair.

5. Accept life is random.

6. Journey matters more than the destination.

7. Stop comparing. Everyone's journey and timeline are different.

8. Done stop and answer every dog that barks, Pick your fights wisely.

9. Expect less from others.

10. Be your own cheerleader.

Small scenario: When our house help takes off without prior info

1. we could get angry, upset rant for a long time, and finally do the chores bickering


2. we could deal with her when she is back. calm yourself up and put some music on enjoy doing it and be calm for the rest of the day.

I know it's getting late for the office, the baby is crying, got to prep the older one for school, and ur husband is not being helpful. still when you have no choice better to enjoy it rather than to be irritated and do the same thing

Like thalaivar says, There is always something better than we have, if we keep running behind things we won't be satisfied.


If you decide to make yourself happy no one can make you sad. 

Another clip, on expecting other people to make us happy.

Let me know what you think.


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